Monday, August 25, 2014

Make No Mythtakes! Mini Myths Board Books debut in 3 weeks. Giveaway now.

Don't myth out on this Mini Myths board book giveaway
are the two debut board book titles,
Not entering would be a big mythstake, doncha think?,_Pandora!-9781419709517.html 
by Joan Holub
illustrated by the bestselling Leslie Patricelli
(Yummy Yucky; Quiet Loud). 
*Be Patient Pandora received a

Friday, August 22, 2014

Free deck of Who Was? Biography series playing cards at B&N

Got this deck of "Who Was" chapter book biography series 
playing cards free with the purchase of 2 "Who Was" 
books at Barnes & Noble. Such a deal! 
Guess who the king is in the deck? 
(hint: Egypt) Each card has bio facts. 
(Thank you to my neighbor for letting me 
photograph on his man cave game table.)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014